Media conversion equipment is located in our Makerspace Studio, free to use by all Ocean State Libraries card holders. Book an appointment to learn how to revive old memories locked away on obsolete media formats and enjoy them as digital files.
Current media formats supported include:
- VHS tape
- VHS-C tape
- 8mm tape (Hi8 or Digital8)
- MiniDV tape
- MiniDVD
- Cassette tape
- LP (33, 45, 78)

Barrington residents wishing to use our drop-off service may bring their media to any public service desk after completing the following check list:
- Gather your media together. It must be in good physical and functional condition
- Complete and sign the AV Media Digital Conversion Waiver and Release Agreement (see attachment at bottom of page)*
- Complete and sign the AV Media Digital Conversion Request Form (see attachment at bottom of page)*
- Obtain a thumb drive or other removable storage on which to record your converted media (32GB minimum recommended size). USB drives may be purchased at the library for $5.
- Place your media, both completed forms, and the removable storage in a clean box or rigid container with a top or cover that is able to be closed properly.
Please note: The library cannot convert analog motion picture film (8mm, 16mm, 35mm reels). To convert photographic stills (35mm, slides, negatives, prints), refer to our self-service scanning station.
For more information, contact the Makerspace Desk at 401-247-1920 x308 or email
*Printed copies of the waiver & request forms are also available at all service desks.