The Library will be closed Friday, May 10 for all-staff training AND Sunday, May 12 for Mother's Day.

Science Fiction/Fantasy Writing Workshop

Beginner through advanced writers are welcome to join the library's 6-week Science Fiction/Fantasy Writing Workshop.

Have you ever wanted to write a science fiction or fantasy story but are not sure how to begin?  This workshop goes beyond general writing techniques and instead digs deeper into world building, mythologies, character development, genre specific items, and the Four-Pass Editing process. We’ll also discuss post-production needs, including Agents vs Publishers, Independent Publishing, and marketing yourself using the Internet and social media.  Led by local author, Mike Squatrito.

Mike Squatrito has been writing The Overlords series for over 20 years. He speaks at middle and high schools, colleges, local libraries and writer's groups where his sincere hope is to inspire everyone he meets to be creative and follow thier dreams. He is the Vice President of the Association of Rhode Island Authors (ARIA). When he is not writing and promoting the craft he spends his days as an engineer and as knuckleball pitcher for the Narragansett Brewers. You can learn more about Mike on his website.

Free and open to adults. Space is limited. Register using the form below.

Sponsored by the Friends of Barrington Public Library.
Event Location: 
Trustee/Board Room (Second Floor)
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