The Library will be closed Friday, May 10 for all-staff training AND Sunday, May 12 for Mother's Day.

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Bridging the Distance: A Virtual Haiku Workshop for Our Times

Let's bridge our social distance with haiku, in this two-part virtual poetry workshop with professor Kara Provost.

Monday, April 27 & May 11 from 3 to 4:30 pm.
Free and open to those who register for the Zoom login information.
Limit of 20 participants.

In the first session (4/27) we will learn about the form of writing a haiku, along with group and individual brainstorming, and participants will start to draft their own poems.

In the second session (5/11) those who wish will share their haikus with the group through both visual and oral presentation. 

Kara Provost is a professor of writing at Curry College. She has two books of published poetry (Nests and Topless) as well as poems in many literary journals and anthologies.

This workshop is held virtually through Zoom. Please register below to be emailed the Zoom login information.

Made possible by the Friends of Barrington Public Library.


For questions about using Zoom, review their helpful tips on joining a meeting including a video tutorial here:

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